Friday, August 13, 2010

Sublime Forex Champions Webinar

Included here with this email is our trading report showing four example trades that raked in 1511 pips which works out around 377 pips in profits per trade...with only 15 mins a day,

Take a look and I'm sure you'll like it.


Now, if you are interested in how to achieve these results, be on the special training Webinar on Monday, Aug 16th 2010.

Here is what will be covered in this special event

* Six easy ways to spot a counterfeit "trading teacher" from a mile away.

* Two simple tricks that instantly remove 95% of your emotions in trading. Since we know fear and greed are the number one killers of traders, this info could improve your trading now.

* A little known position sizing trick that can double your returns, regardless of what market or system you trade.

* Why money managers who only risk 1-2% per trade still make great returns.

* Why trading is not a "zero sum game" and what this means for the average trader.

* How to make strong profits using the daily charts and trading only 10 minutes per night.

* How Jim Rogers, Warren Buffett, and others became great traders and investors.

* What the "gurus" selling hype trading courses are hiding from you

And there will be a demonstration using real, live trades how the Sublime Champions trading systems work... how powerful these 4 custom systems truly are (using our now-infamous 15 proprietary indicators).

All that in an hour? Certainly sounds like a good use of an hour of your time?

I promise it won't be a waste of your time!

The organizer expect to be packed out Monday August 16, especially since this invitation is going out to tens of thousands of people.

Click here to register for your seat at the Monday webinar.


On top of that, they're going to spice things up and give out Advanced Perpetual Profit Software version. This is the best trading assisting tool you can find on the market.It supports 14 built-in indicators, 4 proprietary trend detection algorithms and a lot of useful information for traders.

The only thing you have to do to get it is... be on the webinar.

It's going to be lots of fun while Dean and his team do his best to stuff your brain with as pip-generating ideas as you can handle.

Are you in?

Click here to register for the webinar....


They're holding nothing back, pulling no punches, and giving you the RAW truth about what it takes to bring home the BIG BUCKS with the Sublime Forex Champions.

The lines are limited so make sure you register early.

There will be a HUGE surprise for you. You'll get a chance to qualify for a free copy of the complete Sublime Champions program on the webinar as well

Click here to register now for your slot:


To learn more read the Sublime Forex Champions review.

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