Friday, October 3, 2008

Did you feel the Golden Thread Launch?

Now *that* was shockwave across the entire internet yesterday..

Did you feel it?

It just goes to show what happens when you create an irresistible offer that gives people *everything* they want.

Yes - I’m talking about The Golden Thread from Michael Cheney. It is receiving rave reviews and most of the 500 spots are already taken up.

The fact you get ready-made websites, products to sell, video Cash Cannons, all the content, free website hosting, a free domain name, 6 weeks’ coaching and a TON more stuff besides probably has something to do with it:


Cheney should actually be *charging* you to look at his salesletter because there’s some excellent advice on there about how to make money online.

Also, it’s a great lesson in marketing on its own and how to create a package that fills all the questions in a particular market.

Best of all - lots of regular guys are using this to make lots of money.

(but the spots won’t last forever)

Just go judge it for yourself. I challenge you NOT to buy this:


To learn more read the Golden Thread review.

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